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The desire to write overtook me in my late twenties. Nowadays I wouldn't be without it. Creativity sets me free. Writing saves me, heals me, teaches me, helps me to breathe. My heart is in poetry and in songwriting and more recently also in playing guitar, painting and drawing.

Below is a selection of my paintings and poems.
The first four poems below are reproduced from
I Love, You Like, I Love: Poetry by Julie Clark.
Published by Chineye, 3F2, 16 Glen Street, Edinburgh EH3 9JF. 2000.

See Julie Clark's web site at www.julieclark.co.uk


I Stumbled Upon A Ballerina

Sunday, I stumbled upon a work of art...
She rose up on tiptoe from out of nowhere,
Dancing between crafts and photography.
Caressing corners,
Pirouetting through interior design,
Along the oak shelves, she glided
At once pure and delicate.
Her pale grey arms sleek and featherlike,
Elegant, fairy-like and soft,
Head and shoulders held high, she glided
Her ribboned hair sailing through the leaves
Of knowledge.
My eyes were set aflame with her beauty,
Nowhere else could they turn
For this belle of the bookshop
Had captured me, captivated me.
Like a hungry eagle I watched over her
As she fluttered by untouched
And yet so touchable.

Love Propels Me On

Love propels me on
Over white steel welded walls
Through cement filled, seamless holes
To a space of safety and calm
Through doubts and shouts of insecurity
Over mounds full of upturned knives

She soothes my cuts, my scratches
He builds my towers, my pillars
She carries me and she lifts me
Steers me, breathes me, speaks to me in the wind

And you, envious of my steely platform
Puncture it and try to push it away
Looking for chinks, cracks and missing corners
Only to find it unbreakable, solid

Renewed now and claiming back the glamour
She shines like metal should in the sunshine
And now a new part stands above
Winks and jumps off into the ether.

Shoe's Company

A discarded boot on the
side of the pavement
with orange plastic
string laces
stares up at me from the street.
'Where are you going
with those feet?'
I stare back down in
sympathy and explain to
him I've found him a friend -
On our stairs, discarded
by our postwoman, is
am elastic band


When you feel your hands are tied
And your legs are twisted
It is very hard to move.
When you feel small
And you shrink
Its very hard to matter at all.
When you can't find a route
And you're all out of plans
There seem to be no new ideas.
How will you win this combat?
You're one-armed
You're one-eyed
You're tongue-tied
And you've tried
And still,
it is with you.

go somewhere

from the first time she packed
her first red vanity case
at the age of three
she wanted to go somewhere
she wanted to be free

that time she only made it
to the bottom of the garden
stopped by the garden gate
she wanted to go somewhere
she wanted to be free

she's catching up with chandler
23 homes in 29 years
clutching the few possessions that matter
she wanted to go somewhere
she wanted to be free

chalking up another city
walking up another street
waking to an unfamiliar scene
she wanted to go somewhere
she wanted to be free

in spite of everything

look for the break in the clouds
for what the sunlight catches
every day, all the days
look for the brightness in the landscape
listen to the birds not the traffic
every day, all the days,
look for the innocence in everyone
for the love in your heart

every day, all the days


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