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I believe my work to contain a strong personal and spiritual narrative. Using figurative and abstract form I base my work on board, painting in oil, enamel and wax, pouring, scratching, erasing the surface and re-working the surface until I feel the image contains the right 'intensity', colour and texture for the purpose of the subject

Largely images derive from the 'sub conscious' although they are based on actual events, dreams or fantasies related to relationships, love, death and dreams. In addition these images often contain outside pictorial imagery from diverse subjects such as literature, film, pornography and erotica. The strength of these images being as important as actual events.

I believe my work to lie somewhere between reality and fantasy.

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Bad Thoughts

Hotel Dream

Don't Waste It

Love Painting


Mother and Son

Hunt for Brian Deheney
Oil on board, 48 x 60 ins

Oil on board, 26 x 18 ins

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