Paintings - Drawings - Sculpture - Lithographs - Mixed Media - Poetry - Photos - Textiles - Constructions - Community Projects




My paintings are my spiritual refuge. I always feel so much better after working a couple of hours on one of them. They have been my life line, carrying me through depression, bereavement and conflict, as well as joy and happy times. Dark times do lend a lot of power to my pictures and I find I can resolve issues within the painting more easily during those times. When I have completed one, I wonder about its meaning, as each one is like a picture in a story. This is the final process, to unravel the message from my bigger self to my little self.


Bird Clock

Metal Pan Clock, 1996

Recycled Time Clock, 1993



Sardine Towers Clock

Tiger Moon Clock, 1996

The Pink Crow

The Fool, Angel and Lion

The Child of Man flees, 1996

Blessing the Earth



The Young Prince and the message


The Wedding Party


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